The New Digitally Transformed Store: A Hub For Technology Innovation

The meaning of brick and mortar retailing has forever changed. However, if you can recall the trending topics from just a few years ago, the debate between retail apocalypse and retail renaissance was in full swing, with the majority of industry watchers touting that it was the end of the physical store as we know it. Today, while the store has definitely undergone a transformation, the metamorphosis has led to a new concept for the physical store – a hub for technology innovation.

If you’re working through the challenges of where do we go now. Whether its Frictionless Commerce, Augmented Reality, RFID, Kiosks or any number of the technologies you need to be embracing, talk to us at Beyond Retail and we can help you clarify the stages and types of technology your business should consider. Email us at Beyond Retail or call us on 1300 524 475 for a no obligation chat.

Enjoy the article, it covers the key areas you should be considering with your IT people and store infrastructure.

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